February 10, 2011

How to make butter - one ingredient recipe

(Pictures coming soon)

A couple years ago I wanted to learn how to make 'everything' from scratch. I tried making yogurt, butter, cheese, etc. The yogurt is the only thing I really stuck with as it is extremely cost effective and I had the equipment. But the butter....oooh the butter was amaaaazing. It was cool and silky and oooh so creamy. However it took 15 minutes of vigorous shaking cream in a jar. It simply wasn't worth the trade-off of mush-arms (at least not with a toddler who doesn't understand why mommy can't make supper because she can't lift her hands above her knees).

Now enter the KitchenAid! Scratch-made butter and full use of both arms!


1 cup heavy cream - yields around 5oz. butter and 1/2 cup buttermilk


Mixer with paddle or whisk attachment


  • Pour the cream into the mixer bowl
  • Turn to the highest speed possible while avoiding a splash mess - this was about 6 for me
  • Let the mixer beat for about 10 minutes
    • After 4-5 minutes you'll have stiff whipped cream
    • After 7-8 minutes you'll have buttercream that is starting to turn a pale yellow
    • After 10 minutes, the butter will suddenly release a ton of liquid. Continue beating about 30 seconds after this happens
  • Strain off the liquid (buttermilk - you can keep this for a couple days to cook or bake with). Any liquid left, can cause the butter to go bad quickly. Your best bet is to squeeze as much from the butter as possible.
  • Rinse the butter in ice-cold water and beat in the water for 30-60 seconds.
  • Repeat the draining & squeezing step
  • Dish your butter into a bowl, press into a mold, or shape with your fingers.
  • If rinsed well, the butter should keep refrigerated up to a week. You can also freeze it for a couple months.

1 cup heavy cream = $.99

Compare to 5oz. butter @ our local Walmart right now = $.82

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