My current favorite recipe website is If you have an idea of what dish sounds good, you can search by keyword. But you can also search by ingredients! This is great for using up leftovers. I also love the fact that you can sort your search results by rating. You're almost guaranteed a dinner-time win with this method.
Another of my favorites is Taste Spotting. This is a collection of artistic, scrumptious, and sometimes bizarre-looking recipe blog posts. It does have a search feature and it can be fun to select random display. My main complaint, if you could even call it that, is that it can quickly become overwhelming. In the course of 5 minutes, I've stumbled across 25 recipes that I wanted to try. I'll generally be missing at least one ingredient for each of them, and many are quite time-consuming. None-the-less I love spending time here. The photos are amazing and it whets my creative appetite (not to mention my physical one.)
I don't know if I'll have cause to use both a stand mixer and a crock-pot for one recipe, but if I do the recipe will most likely be from A Year of Slow Cooking. The linked yogurt recipe is one of my favorites. My 2 year old adores Airplane Yogurt (really just plain ole yogurt) and this is such an easy and affordable way to make it myself. Stephanie is one of the inspirations behind my mixer challenge, though I followed her blog for over a year before the idea occurred to me.
I'm sure I will find inspiration elsewhere, but these are definitely top 3 in my book. Regardless, I'll always cite a source for each post.
Cool blog, Margaret! All the best with your challenge! I believe you can do it!